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These specially created bundles are the perfect way to get a Hot Tub running correctly and ready for those relaxing, peaceful soaks or entertaining parties.
Bromine GranulesPH+PH-Cartridge CleanerFoam AwayAquaSPArkle SachetInsta Test Strips
Multi Function Chlorine TabletsFloating Spa dispenser3 way test strips
The Pure-Spa Chlorine Granules are rapid dissolving and are specifically formulated to disinfect spa and hot tub water. They have a minimal effect on the pH value of the water. Chlorine Granules are ideal for daily disinfection of the water.
Pure-Spa 3+ Test strips offer a simple and fast way to check your Hot Tubs water balance.
Pure-Spa Chlorine Tablets are slow dissolving and specifically formulated for the disinfection of spa and hot tub water.